Your Bod
Am I supposed to have hair between my eyebrows?

Hair between your eyebrows is totally normal, and something most girls and women experience throughout their lives, so don’t fret. The easiest way to get rid of it is to borrow mom’s tweezers and carefully, slowly, pluck the stray hairs. To keep from plucking too much, use your fingers as a guide: hold up both hands, index fingers pointing up, on either side of nose. A rule of thumb is to pluck the hair visible in the space between your fingers, but to be on the safe side, start at the middle and work your way out, stepping back from the mirror every few hairs to make sure you aren’t going too far. Remember: You can always pluck more, but if you pluck too much, you’re gonna have to wait a few weeks for those hairs to grow back in!
One more thing: Chat with your mom before you go hair crazy, OK? She might offer to show you how to do it, or she might do it for you. Some chicas get stray eyebrow hair waxed, too. If you’re interested in this option, ask your mom or another trusted adult if she’d be willing to take you to a salon that does facial hair waxing.
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POSTED IN puberty, hair problems, body hair 101, brows