Get pumped: Break a sweat to a one-song workout
I Love It - Icona Pop
With the beat of this song there’s no way you’ll want to stop moving. You'll be truly saying "I LOVE IT" as you pump some moves to this groove.
Pinned by ididafunny
Applause - Lady Gaga
Looks short... but you’ll definitely feel these moves tomorrow. Luckily, you have Lady Gaga to get you through it (can't get better than that!).
Pinned by SaraVanderPal
Happy - Pharrell Williams
The happiest workout you’ll ever have. From squats to burpee's your bum will be thanking you later!
Pinned by icravenaturals
Summer Love - Justin Timberlake
A killer ab workout while being serenaded by JT? Um, yes please.
Pinned by theslenderstudent
What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
What a better way to workout than to workout to a 1D song. Just the thought of Harry Styles gets our hearts pumping!Pinned by AreEm
POSTED IN fitness, workout songs