How to get the closet of your dreams
Your closet is arguably one of the most important parts of your bedroom. After all, it houses your clothes! A clean closet is the key to easy outfit picking. How are you going to find anything if your closet is a mess? We've got five key tips to keeping your closet in tip-top shape.
Develop an organizational system
The best way to keep your closet neat and tidy is to come up with a system. Organize your clothes by color, type, season, whatever works best for you. Make sure your system is clear and defined!
Take the time to keep it neat
Threw a couple dresses on the ground in an I-don't-know-what-to-wear fit this morning? Take a minute and hang them back up. It'll be worth it the next day when you open those doors to see a clear floor.
Do regular purges
Every month or two, go through all your clothes and make some hard decisions. Put aside anything you don't wear anymore and give it to charity or sell it! It'll free up space for new clothes and make you feel productive.
Don't forget about your accessories
Use boxes, shoe hangers and hooks to organize your accessories! Make sure everything is clearly labeled. You'll never spend an hour looking for a scarf again!
Use space savers
Got a tiny closet? Space savers will be your best friend. They comes in all forms at a variety of prices, so make sure you pick the best one. They'll help minimize clutter and create more room. Time to go shopping to fill that extra space!
What are your best closet organizing tips? Tell us in the comments below!
Photo credit: Pinterest.