
Mirror mirror on the wall: DIY mirrors to make and give


Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most fabulous of them all? YOU! Make your mirror as fab as you are with a cheap and easy DIY that you can do in an afternoon. You’ll be so impressed by your first mirror that you’ll want to make them all (nothing wrong with that!). These crafts are great because you can personalize them to your taste and they’re awesome to give as gifts. Try ‘em out and Instagram your results—tag #GLgirl for a regram!


  • 1_bamboo.jpg

    Bamboo babe

    No one will even know the materials for this project were found in the barbeque section of the grocery store.

    What you'll need:

    • Circular mirror (try the dollar store)
    • Hot glue
    • Spray paint
    • Bamboo skewers
    • Brass craft ring
    • Cardboard
    • Hanging hardware


    1. Trace the back of the mirror onto a piece of cardboard and cut out the circle.

    2. Cut skewers to three different lengths (short, medium, long).

    3. Spray paint skewers and brass craft ring the color you want.

    4. Using a pencil, draw a dot in the center of the cardboard.

    5. With a ruler, draw one straight line vertically through the dot, and one straight line horizontally through the dot (creates 4 equal sections).

    6. Keep dividing the circle with lines until you have 24 equal sections.

    7. Hot glue the skewers onto each of the lines (This pattern: one long skewer, one short skewer, one medium-sized skewer).

    8. Hot glue the mirror to the side of the cardboard with the bamboo sticks attached.

    9. Hot glue the brass craft ring to the front of the mirror.

    10. Attach hanging hardware and admire.

    Pinned by: allisonsluder

    To see full tutorial go to:

  • 2_spoons.jpg

    Sassy spoons

    You can tell your friends you bought it at a boutique—we won’t tell.

    What you'll need:

    • 3 inch round mirror
    • Clear plastic spoons
    • Hot glue gun
    • Cardboard
    • Ribbon


    1. Cut a 12 inch circle from cardboard.

    2. Place the 3 inch mirror in the center of the cardboard circle and trace it.

    3. Break the spoons at the base of the handle (you just want the concave spoon part).

    4. Start hot gluing the spoons (face up) around the perimeter of the circle, allowing them to hang off the edge of the cardboard.

    5. Continue all the way down the cardboard until you reach the circle in the center. Allow the spoons to overlap a little.

    6. Spray paint the spoons and cardboard so the entire piece will be one color. It will probably take two coats.

    7. When dry, hot glue the mirror to the center of the circle.

    8. Take about a 4 inch piece of ribbon, put it in a loop, and hot glue/staple it to the back of the cardboard.

    9. Hang on wall and enjoy! 

    Pinned by: megangooden

    To see full tutorial go to:

  • 3_mosaic.jpg

    Mosaic maven

    Your ex’s taste in music stinks, but the remnants of those mix-tape CDs he made you make for a beautiful mirror.

    What you'll need:

    • Old CDs
    • Frame with built in mirror ($4 at Ikea)
    • Hot glue gun


    1. Soak old CDs in water for a few minutes (less likely to crack when you cut them)

    2. Cut the CDs into square and rectangular pieces

    3. Glue the pieces onto the mirror

    4. Voila! You have a beautiful mosaic mirror from CDs you don’t even listen to anymore.

    Pinned by: reneejessee

  • 4_treasure.jpg

    From trash to treasure

    Thank goodness you didn’t throw away those random buttons that fell off your dress like your mom told you to.

    What you'll need:

    • Mirror with frame
    • Hot glue gun
    • Buttons, beads (any little trinkets you can find)


    1. Paint the frame of the mirror any color you want

    2. Go crazy hot gluing random odds and ends onto your mirror. Some ideas? Buttons, rocks, beads, costume jewelry, feathers and ribbons.

    3. Hang on wall, display on a dresser or give as a funky-cute gift!


    Pinned by: yeseniagutierrez


by Melanie White | 2/1/2016