Cheery New Chairs

Hey there, earth mama! Want a stylin' way to spruce up your room just in time for Earth Day? Turn any ol' chair around the house into a divalicious new decoration with these easy how-tos. The bright colors will freshen up your room and you'll save it from ending up in trash. You can try this trick with other old furniture, too (ask your 'rents first, natch!). Spring cleaning AND saving the planet?
Start this up, ASAP!
What You'll Need:
Drop cloth (or newspaper!)Sand paper
White primer
Latex paint (for your background color)
Acrylic paint (for your designs)
Permanent marker
Clear gloss Varnish
Anything Extra to decorate your chair (glitter, gems, ribbon, etc.)
What You'll Do:
Sandpaper off any old flaking paint from the surface of your chair. Paint one coat of white primer over the entire surface and give it time to dry. Using a latex paint, paint the background color of your chair. Allow this to completely dry (leave overnight!) before moving on.
Draw designs on the surface of your chair in permanent marker. (Practice drawing some design ideas on paper before you do this.) You can use store bought stencils, or make your own! Paint right over top of your marked designs with acrylic paint. (Try to not drip paint – but if you do, don’t freak. Just sponge it up of change your design to include some polka dots). Feelin’ really creative? Add some gems and glitter to it! Dress it up with a funky ribbon or your favorite quote. You can do anything you think of to make your chair look new.
Once the paint is fully dry, cover it with clear gloss varnish. (When you’re done, you might want to sign and date the back of your “new” chair!) Kick back, relax, and admire your artistic talent!
-Jennifer B. Lafer