Perfect your pout with this homemade lip scrub

Your morning routine likely involves waking up, washing your face, brushing your teeth and trying to turn your bedhead into something presentable for the day. Just like your skin, teeth and hair require a little extra care, the same should go for your lips. Lip scrubs are a great way to nourish and exfoliate your lips to get rid of dead skin and keep your pout smooth. Over-the-counter beauty products can be expensive, but fortunately with this easy DIY, you'll be ready to pucker up at a moment's notice.

You'll need:

1 drop of vanilla extract

- 1-2 drops food coloring
- 1/2 tsp granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp olive oil
- Empty container


1. Mix granulated sugar and olive oil together in a a bowl.

2. Add drops of vanilla and food coloring.

3. Mix together and put into empty container.

 We want to know what beauty products are essential to your morning routine. Comment below!

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Tutorial credit: DIY Joy.


by Karlyn Sykes | 5/23/2017