Pocket perfect! How to turn a plain hoodie into a fashion statement

What you’ll need:
Thrift store sweatshirt
Remnant of fabric for your pocket made of similar weight and stretch as the sweatshirt
Embroidery floss
Sewing machine or hand needle and thread
Straight pins
What you’ll do:
1. Using the pocket on a different sweatshirt as a pattern, cut two “kangaroo” shaped pockets. If the edges of your pocket fabric will fray, add 5/8" seam allowance all around. If your pockets are made from a fabric that won’t unravel, add 5/8" seam allowance to the curved edges only.
2. Press under the seam allowances.
3. Using embroidery floss, hand-stitch the curved edges with a running stitch to secure the seam allowances to the pockets. The fold at the pocket openings is important so those edges don’t stretch.
4. Pin the pockets onto the sweatshirt and sew them down using the same simple running stitch.
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