Craft your own Hogwarts badge

What you’ll need:
Felt in house colors (red and yellow, green and white, blue and brown, yellow and black)
Colorful fabric glue
Hot glue gun
Safety pins
Optional: additional decorations
What you’ll do:
1. Take our sorting hat quiz to find out which house you belong in.
2. Grab your felt in the appropriate house color and cut a shield shape in one color, then a smaller shield shape in the complimentary color.
3. Using your hot glue gun with care, glue the smaller shield in the center of the larger one.

5. Pin it onto your shirt, sweater or coat and you’re good to go! For true Hogwarts style, put on your best prep-school gear—think trousers or a pleated skirt and a white button-down shirt.
POSTED IN Harry Potter, accessory, accessory, DIYs