10 of Jelena's absolute *cutest* moments!

There's no doubt about it: Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are one of the cutest celeb couples of all times. But what is it exactly that makes them so darn adorable? Let's discuss...
1. Let's take it back to the eve of 2010 when baby Justin serenaded Selena on stage while rocking a foot injury. Can you EVEN imagine this happening in 2017?! Ugh.

2. That time they frolicked on the beach together and shared smooches = the moment we simultaneously realized we'd never be able to date Bieber and that love was real.

3. Look at them dancing together. Just LOOK!

4. Their little smooches are honestly too much to handle.

5. Find you a boy who will carry the train of your glam gown on a red carpet (AKA treat you like the princess that you are).

6. Photobooth pics are the definition of #couplegoals!

7. You know what they say: The couple that rides private jets together, stays together.

8. Oh and remember when they saw eachother backstage at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards and shared a peck on the cheek...we should've known then that it wasn't over...

9. And, of course, this post wouldn't be complete without talking about the time the recently rekindled their relationship by riding bikes together.

10. Last but not least, Selena wearing Justin's hockey jersey out of his game is EV-ER-Y-THING.
What's your fave Jelena moment? Who's the best celeb couple in your eyes? Share below!