Am I doing all the wrong things to get a guy?

a high school senior and I have never had a boyfriend. I wasn't
allowed to date until I was 16, and I was asked out twice before I
turned 16. Now nobody asks me out. My mother says it's because I
intimidate guys because I'm very involved in class, I don't dress
provocatively, and I'm loud and very opinionated. Do guys really hate
that in a girl? Am I doing something wrong?
His Answer: “For
guys, confidence is everything, and maybe for you, guys may be a
little intimidated, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. Guys
want girls who are caring and outgoing,” Andrew, 17, says. “You
don't have to dress provocatively, and it’s more than okay to have
your own opinion. Guys appreciate a girl who is not fake, someone
they can hold conversations with.”
Decoded: Guys are into gals who have a complete sense of themselves and have their own voice. Whether you like to read or wear turtlenecks, guys fall for the girls who have the confidence to own it.
Your Move: Listen to Andrew and be yourself! Don’t waste time trying to figure out how you can please a guy. If you feel confident guys will be totally drawn to you.
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POSTED IN guys, Dating, GL's best guy advice, crush crash course