Rad Reads
We've Got The Scoop on Sammy Keyes
Meet Sammy Keyes: Seventh-grader, loves skateboarding around town, has a mega crush on her nemesis’ brother—oh and she’s a crime solver extraordinaire.

At first glance, Sammy Keyes is a regular girl. She rocks a hoodie and high tops almost daily. She plays catcher on her softball team. But Sammy is far from regular—she’s faced down murders, gangsters and thieves and done her fair share of crime solving. Sounds terrifying right? Not to Sammy, she’s more scared of the kids in her school. Take Heather Acosta, for example. She’s the sister of Sammy’s crush and Sammy’s worst enemy!

The Sammy Keyes series follows this junior high super sleuth as she cracks cases that even the local police department can’t seem to solve.
Check out Sammy as she confronts her latest adventure, Sammy Keyes and the Cold Hard Cash. In this book, Sammy is given three wads of bills from an old man. With his last dying breath, he begs her to throw it away. Um, throw away money? But soon it seems this cash maybe more trouble than it’s worth.
Check out this and other Sammy Keyes stories by visiting her official website…
Do you have what it takes to solve the case with Sammy? CLICK HERE to take our super sleuth quiz and see if you are made to solve mysteries.