Must List

BEST OF 2008: Movies!

There have been a lot of movies out this year. But a few have stood out in our minds. GL editors spill what we think is best in 2008. Take a look at our list, then comment on your own best pick from the past year.

“The Dark Knight. Normally, I don’t necessarily like action movies, but there was something about Heath Ledger as the Joker that made it creepishly realistic and enjoyable at the same time.”

ANDREA: “Yes, Twilight, even though I have yet to see it. I'm holding out to read all of the books first. It's gotten so much hype and great reviews it's hard not to pick this flick as one of the best.”
JIAE: “Definitely, Maybe – This movie made me laugh, tear and swoon (hello Ryan Reynolds!). What more can ya ask for?”
L’OREAL: The Dark Knight
KERI: “The Dark Knight- what an amazing performances from the entire cast, and this movie totally lived up to and surpassed its hype. A surprisingly good comic book, action hero movie. Totally entertaining.”
AMANDA: “Wall-E. Cute little trash compactor falls in love? And, it has a positive message about the environment. C’mon, what’s not to love?”

What movie did you see that was shout-to-the-rooftops fab?

to chat about your fave album of the year.
12/29/2008 9:00:00 AM