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Why were so many ACT tests canceled this weekend?
With ongoing COVID-19 changes and closures, please know there is a chance that your test center may close between now and test day.
— ACT (@ACT) July 16, 2020
We will continue to add to our cancellations page with the most up-to-date information:
Other reminders for test day 👇
The constantly changing state and federal guidelines for COVID-19 are making it challenging for students to take the ACT, a test many colleges require applicants to take. If you were supposed to take the test this weekend only for it to be canceled last-minute, you're not alone.
The ACT had to cancel and reschedule a large number of tests previously set for July 18. Changes in local social distancing guidelines forced some test centers to reduce their capacity or close, according to the ACT website's COVID-19 FAQ section. Priority was given to seniors, then juniors and finally students who registered early.
Other centers had to cancel the test completely, sending students and their parents scrambling to reschedule. Many parents took to social media to express their frustration. Users complained about the expense of driving a long distance to a testing center only to find out it was closed.
Some mention how they stayed in hotels to guarantee their child would be well-rested after a multiple-hour drive to take the test. Now, that money has gone to waste. Other families can't afford to travel for the ACT. If it's not offered in their area, they're forced to wait on taking the test.
While some colleges have waived the ACT requirement for applicants due to the unique circumstances brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, many students rely on good test scores to make their application stand out. The cancellations are only adding to their stress.
The ACT has added three new Fall testing dates so students can reschedule. Registration for these dates begins in the last week of July. If you're planning to take the test soon, stay on top of the ACT website for the earliest info on cancellations.
Slider Image: Pexels