In the News
Having trouble with a bully? Take a lesson from this babe

Standing up to bullies can be really scary, but when people like Sarah expose the shortcomings in the school system it only works to ensure a safer future for everyone else.
If you are being bullied, try these tips to seek support from your community:
Tell everyone! Don’t be shy or ashamed of the fact that someone is picking on you.
Tell any adult who will listen to you because even if some of them dismiss you, someone is bound to take your concerns seriously. Tell your parents, teachers, the principal, the school nurse, your aunts, uncles, grandparents, even older siblings.
Reach out to your friends for help. Use your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blog and any other form of social media to speak out against bullying and share your personal experiences. The more people know about you and how you are being hurt, the more they will feel inclined to help. Be aware though that you are putting your personal story out in a public sphere and some people could comment rudely. Stand strong!
Start or join an anti-bullying movement in your school or neighborhood. Being bullied is a common experience so many people will be able to relate to what you are going though. When anti-bullying becomes more popular less people will bully since they want to seem cool.
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POSTED IN bullying 101, how to deal with a bully, In the News, bullying, social media