
The 6 phases of becoming a Directioner

They say you become a Directioner the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once…(OK, so maybe that was TFiOS, but whatever). Transforming from regular person to certified 1D fangirl is a magical, heart-eyed-emoji-filled journey. From rocking out to “What Makes You Beautiful” for the first time to completely diving off the 1D deep end, here are six moments that every Directioner has experienced along the way to super fandom.

And after hopping on the bandwagon yourself, don’t forget to tune into the guys’ NBC special, One Direction: The TV Special, this Tuesday, Dec. 23, at 8 p.m. ET/PT

Phase #1: You see these guys, and you’re like “Oh my gosh, not another boy band. I literally can’t even.”

Phase #2: And then one day you hear their song on the radio, and you’re like, “Ya know this song really isn’t so bad, annnd the curly-haired one is actually pretty hot.”

Phase #3: You finally decide to buy their latest album…and then all the old ones—you cannot believe you’ve been missing out on this. BRB going to makeup for lost time.

Phase #4: Then, you see them in concert for the first time, and this is when you first realize that you may have found your first love(s)x5.

Phase #5: By now, you’ve pretty much got all your friends hooked—even your mom knows some of the lyrics.

Phase #6: Your whole life is now 1D. You’ve got all the merch, bed sheets, socks, pencils, perfume. You’re officially a Directioner, and you’re proud of it, baby!

Are you a hardcore Directioner? Will you be checking out One Direction: The TV Special? Tell us in the comments below.


by Laurise McMillian | 2/1/2016