5 reasons we're enchanted by Lily Collins

She’s sentimental. “I would [love] to take memories and relive them for a day. Not necessarily to go back and change any of them, they’re your favorite memories for a reason, but it would be so nice to experience them again.”
She’s a sucker for fairytales. “I love all fairy tales. My family would read them to me before I went to bed. Growing up in England, I would go out and pretend I had my own little fairy tale land. Every single one of them brings back memories for me.”
She’s also had embarrassing dates. “Usually when an embarrassing moment happens to me, I’ll call it out like ‘Oh, that was embarrassing!’ and try to make it not as embarrassing. [But] at that point it’s kind of a mess the rest of the night. Either you’re constantly apologizing, or you’re constantly uncomfortable.”
She ‘old-fashioned.’ “I think writing is so important, regardless of what you’re writing about. The art of writing a physical letter is dying, and it’s such a beautiful thing to receive what somebody took the time to write down. When I see something like that it resonates so strongly with [me]. Since it’s so rare, it’s such a nice surprise.”
She’s content. “I feel so grateful for what I’m doing right now, and that I get to do what I love for a job. This whole experience has been one of the happiest moments of my life. I feel like I grew up so much along the way, and I’ve found so many new things that make me happy. Yeah, I’m definitely a happy person.”
Be sure to check out Lily as Snow White when Mirror, Mirror hits theaters March 30.
POSTED IN entertainment, movies, celebrity interviews, Celebs, Lily Collins