
We talked fashion (and more!) with Kayden Grace Swan from Nickelodeon's The Astronauts

You may know Kayden Grace Swan as Doria Taylor from Nickelodeon's The Astronauts, but IRL she's just as fashionable ~and~ fabulous as the character she plays onscreen. "Doria is one of the most unbothered, intelligent, independent, sassy, stubborn and creative characters I've ever gotten too play," spills Kayden, 13, to GL. "We're both bubbly, creative and independent—and *very* fashionable—but she's a K-pop stan and I'm more of a hip-hop fan and that's where we differ." Keep reading for more of Kayden's *amazing* style secrets plus details on her upcoming accessories line...

Girls' Life: Who are your fashion role models? 

Kayden: In terms of fashion, it's a good question. I don't really think I've ever looked at other people's fashion to get mine. I've always just kind of created my own. But when it comes to acting, definitely Will Smith, he's very inspiring. Will Catlett as well, he's super inspiring, not just as an actor but as a mentor. 

Girls' Life: How did you discover your style? 

Kayden: Fashion has been big for me since I was young. Everything *had* to match. I'd wear a pink headband, black-and-white polka dot top, pink leggings and some cute boots. Everything matched. Then, somehow, I'd start making clothes that aren't supposed to go together...match. It gives it some flair, so that's what I love about fashion. You can make anything work. I can match anything. I can even make an old T-shirt into a whole outfit. It's just awesome. With fashion, it's so mysterious, the possibilities are endless. 

Girls' Life: Tell us about your upcoming accessories line.

Kayden: I've always had a thing for accessories, so during the quarantine I decided to come up with a line I'd want to do. I didn't want to do basic accessories. Like, I don't usually see girls out there with hair charms anymore. I'm thinking, What happened? That used to be such a big thing when I was in elementary school. So I decided to bring back hair charms and shoe charms. I'm hoping that when girls wear it they feel fashionable—confident, empowered, inspired and totally authentic. 

Girls' Life: What's a look you're vibing with rn? 

Kayden: The long pencil dresses that go to your ankle, but only in, like, a nude color. For my birthday I got a lot of nude color stuff or dark chocolate colored stuff. That's a trend I'm vibing with. I'm also vibing with all the Air Force and Jordan shoes. That is by far my favorite. I have a bunch of those upstairs [and] I wear them all the time. 

Girls' Life: Any plans for the holidays?

Kayden: Staying home! Every year we get matching PJs and we open it the night before so we can all wear them. 

Girls' Life: Advice for girls trying to find their confidence?

Kayden: Believe in yourself and stay true to yourself. And when it comes to acting, when you decide you want to [act], think about it for a good couple months. If you think about it for one second and just jump into it, it probably won't work out. You have to really believe and know you want to do it. And then once you commit, follow your dreams and don't second-guess them.

Girls' Life: And when it comes to acting, what are your hopes for the future?

Kayden: In the future I'd love to be part of a horror movie, because I've always dreamed about being in one and it seems so interesting. There are a lot of special effects on The Astronauts and I feel like in a horror movie there would be even more, plus it's such a different genre. I love the Twilight movies and The Vampire Diaries and Riverdale, so I'd love to guest star on a show like that someday. 

 Catch Kayden Grace Swan in The Astronauts on Nickelodeon!

Image Credits: Kayden Grace Swan/Instagram. Parts of this interview were edited and condensed for clarity. 

by Katherine Hammer | 12/22/2020