Spooky Halloween-inspired manis
Just in time for Halloween, these creepy, hair-raising nail designs are a perfect way to express your spooky spirit. From glow-in-the-dark nails to glittery spider webs, you are sure to find a design to add a little extra fright to any outfit or costume.
Glow-in-the-dark mani
Easy as 1-2-3, this baby paints right on and dries crazy fast. Sport this color in the dark and let your nails lead the way.
1. Shake the bottle and hold it in front of a light for 30 seconds.
2. Paint on and hold fingers to a light to activate the glow.
3. Reactive the glow every 45 minutes by holding nails next to a light for 30 seconds.
Pure Ice Glow in the Dark Polish, $6,
Pinned by: Elyssiajames
No-trespassing tangerine nails
Add freaky flair with this easy and scary black fence on an orange sunset design.
1. Swipe a line of orange nail polish on the tips of your nails.
2. Take a black nail polish and use the edge of the brush to create a thin line below the orange line.
3. Using a toothpick, dip it into the black polish and create jagged lines to make a frightening fence.
Juice Bar Hoping by OPI, $10,
Pinned by: Vickimills
Candy corn nails
This tasty nail design will put your nail-biting habit to the test!
1. With a yellow nail polish, paint a thick line at the top of your nail.
2. Paint an orange line underneath the yellow line. This line should be the thickest.
3. Choose a white nail polish and finish the design by swiping a white line at the bottom of the nail.
4. Take a toothpick and dip it in a black polish. Carefully draw two thin lines to divide all three layers.
Fierce N' Tangy by Maybelline, $3,
Pinned by: Natashaorton
Bloody tips
These nails are a perfect accessory to a super scary costume; but they’re also bold and frightening enough to wear alone.
1. Create a base by painting nails a white shade.
2. Go back in with a dotting tool (or the top of the brush will work just fine) and place four random dots along the top of your nail.
3. Go back and swipe a red line at the top of your nail.
4. Connect the dots to the red line and seal with a top coat.
Really Red by Essie, $9,
Pinned by: Brandyatwater
Spiderweb nails
Create your own web of glitter with these sparkly, spooky nails.
1. Paint half of your nails with a glittery polish.
2. Take a toothpick or use the edge of the polish brush and make two straight lines that hit the middle of the nails.
3. Next, create two curvy lines from left to right that intersect the two straight lines.
Because You're Worth It by L'Oreal, $3,
Pinned by: Squarehue
POSTED IN diy mani, Spooktacular Nails