
4 easy steps to achieving perfectly smooth legs

Everyone wants perfectly smooth legs to flaunt when their shorts come out of hiding for the summer. Luckily, you’re only four steps away from a fabulously smooth shave. Get ready for your legs to look fantastic whether you’re working at a summer camp or hanging with your girls by the pool.



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    Step 1: Give a little rough love

    Use an exfoliating scrub before you shave your legs. This step helps wash away any dead skin and leaves your legs ready for a super smooth shave. Exfoliating makes sure you’re getting the closest shave possible by letting your razor get all the way to the root of your hair.

    Bath&Body Works Aromatherapy Sugar Scrub, $16,

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    Step 2: Lather up

    If you want the smoothest legs around, you’ve gotta grab some shaving cream before you pick up your razor. Using cream will help to prevent those annoying nicks that never seem to stop bleeding. A pair of perfectly shaven legs could be ruined by a hot pink Band-Aid if you accidentally nick yourself. Using shaving cream will also help keep your skin moisturized and blemish-free.

    Skintimate Shaving Gel, $4,

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    Step 3: Stay sharp

    If you want goddess-like legs, make sure you use a sharp razor. You don’t need to buy the most expensive one out there, but you do need to change your razor about every couple weeks. If you use a dull razor, you’re more likely to get razor burn or to cut yourself shaving. Take a look at your razor before you start shaving. If it looks dull, dented or rusty, throw it out and grab a new one!

    Bic Soleil Twilight Triple Blade Disposable Shavers (pack of 4), $7,

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    Step 4: Soothe for soft skin

    Apply lotion to your legs right after you get out of the shower. It’s super important to remember this step so that your legs don’t dry out. If you shower at night and sleep with your legs slathered in lotion, by the morning they will be silky smooth and you’ll smell amazing for the day. Your legs will look absolutely fab in that new pair of shorts that you have been dying to wear!

    Olay Body Lotion Silk Whimsy Pump, $8, 

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by Hannah Noyes | 2/1/2016