5 fab Directioner nail art designs
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Love from across the pond
Admit it: Part of what makes 1D so swoon-worthy is their posh British accents. To get your tips all Union Jacked out, try this video how-to.
All out 1D
It’s everything we heart about 1D. Bonus points for including the Irish flag for Niall.
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To the point
Go monochromatic and thematic with this cinchy arrow design.
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Lyrical lacquer
Got a 1D song stuck in your head? Stick the lyrics to your tips instead.
Pinned by maria romano via
The gang’s all here
Wowza, talk about decked out digits. Now you really can bring the lads wherever you go.
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POSTED IN entertainment, movies, music, One Direction, trend, Beauty, how to, nails, diy mani, star style