Quiz - Are you crushing on the wrong guy?

Your last crush was a guy everyone thinks is totally cute and totally cool. And it totally didn’t work out. “Why not?” you ask? Your real Mr. Right is the guy who “gets” you and what you’re into. Now get clickin' and get busy finding your new perfect-for-you boyfriend.

When you see your crush from across the caf, you…


He’s so smart that teachers have stopped calling on him in class just to give other students the chance to participate. Far as you’re concerned, that makes him…


You were thinking about asking him to a dance but were afraid because…


He sits alone, never talks and doesn’t participate in school activities because…


One of the following guys likes you:


When he offered to help you with your homework, you…


He plays in a band and wears lots of black clothes with studs. This makes you…


He’s a member of lots of school clubs, but you never see him at after-school stuff you’re into. This is…


He’s never spoken to you, but you’ve caught him looking at you in class. To you, that’s…


When you’re alone with a guy, what do you value the most?


One way you’re sure a guy likes you is when he…