Quiz - Are you ready for a BF?

Take our quiz to find out if your solo status is getting you down or givin' ya reason to live it up!

According to your BFF, all her cousin Tom likes to talk about is his new Xbox 360. You make a beeline for him at her house party because...


You’ve got which song on repeat?


It's Valentine’s Day and you’re, well, dateless. How do you spend the evening?


The last time you had a boyfriend was…


There aren’t any guys at your school who really turn your head, but that’s OK because…


Cupid must have nailed you with one of those darned arrows because, lately, you can’t stop crushin’ on…


Your FB statuses and profiles are famous for…


You’re almost positive that Tanner, a guy who makes you crack up and lovesick all at the same time, is diggin’ you. How can you tell?


You’d rather miss prom than an episode of Pretty Little Liars. Every week, you just can’t get over…


In the a.m., your mom asks you to pick up your little bro from a sleepover across the street, but you’re sporting your Tweety PJs. You…