Magnificent Metallics!

I wanna wear metallic eyeshadow but I have no clue what shade to wear. Help!
When you’re shopping for colorful (or neutral) shadows, it’s best to, err, look at your eye color when makin’ a decision. But when it comes to icy lids, it’s best to use your skin tone as a guide. Here are our current fave colors! 
Light Skin
Fair ladies can be total ice queens—when it comes to shimmery shadows, that is.
Metallic silvers, grays, and blues look fab with alabaster skin.

Medium Skin
Sun-kissed sistahs are oh-so-lucky.  You have crazy versatile skin, so you def experiment with all kindsa shades.

Our fave shiny hues for you are green and bronze. They’ll compliment your olive skin.
Eyeshadow in Mildew, $16,
Dark Skin
Divas with darker skin can pull off the coveted 24-carat color.
Eyeshadow Trio: Gold Glow, $28,
Shimmery gold and shades of purple look effortlessly chic against your skin.
 - Jess Hofmann
2/26/2009 12:47:00 PM