Superficial slacker

I have a crush on the "popular guy," Brandon, who's in my social studies class. One day we were starting a new project, and we had to pair up with someone we've never worked with before. I was so excited because that meant that I could be with him! The people who couldn't find partners (including me and him) made a line with the teacher and she was pairing us up. It just so happened she was going to make us a pair, and I was SO EXCITED just as she was going to though, he says "Oh, please, not HER! She's so ugly and dorky... at least she'll do all the work..." I wanted to cry I was so upset and humiliated. We got an A on that project, but only because I did all the work! He is so rude... SO NOT WORTH IT!!


by GL reader | 2/1/2016