How to deal with an overprotective BF

My boyfriend is a little bit overprotective. I thought it was sweet at first, but now I want to strangle him! He follows me around 24/7 and even accused my best guy friend of flirting with me. My BF is driving me insane!
Dave: I advise you not to strangle him. But this dude definitely has issues. Tell him you like having him as a BF but that there are other rewarding parts to your life. Explain that you’re not going to give those up to appease him and that he needs to stop trying to control you. If he gets it, you’ll notice an immediate change. If not, dump him pronto.

Bill: Overprotective people are usually coming from a good place—clearly, he cares for you. But if he lacks the self-confidence needed to trust you, have a talk with your “protector.” Explain that you don’t need to be together every minute to have a great relationship. If that doesn’t work, I suggest you refuse to tolerate this wacky behavior. Bye, guy!

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by Bill and Dave | 2/1/2016