Say 'mean'!

I'm a real tomboy, so all of my besties are boys. Which in a way is good, but not in this case! It was picture day at my school, and my class was sitting and waiting for the photographer to come. I was sitting next to one of my guy friends and he asked me if I liked anyone. I told him that I secretly liked one of his friends, who I wasn't that close with. Let's call the boy I like Keith. So my friend actually got up, and told Keith that I liked him! I was mortified, but the photographer came so we all got ready for the picture. Then Keith kneeled down right in front of me, and said, "It's time." I nearly screamed. Then he looked at me again and said,"I meant it was time to tie my shoelaces! That's why I'm kneeling-duh! What, did you think I was going to ask you out?" I was so upset I couldn't smile during the class picture.


by GL reader | 2/1/2016