
How do students *actually* feel about online school?

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting tons of people all over the world, and students are no exception. Students across the country have transferred to online learning, a very new and unusual change for many of them. Most people may assume that learning would simply continue as usual for students, but some students are facing unexpected challenges.

Sammie Christensen, a senior at the University of Georgia, says she's definitely faced a few obstacles after shifting to online classes. "The hardest about online classes is staying organized, and it's hard adjusting to a new routine so far into the semester."

Many classes of Sammie's are meeting according to their normal schedule through video-meeting apps like Zoom. Others have scaled back their meeting time, and some have stopped meeting face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) at all. "For my upper-level English class, we're now only meeting through discussion posts to try to replicate our in-class discussions."

While discussion posts and Zoom meetings may be a temporary substitute for some students, virtual classes simply aren't cutting it for others. Some students (and their parents) are even opting out of online school for the rest of the year. 

LeTalyah Graddick, 10, says that some of her favorite classes weeks ago are now the ones that she cannot even attend. "Chorus and tennis were really cool classes where I could have fun and be with all my friends. Now that we can't meet anymore, it's like I'm missing my favorite parts of the day." 

Despite the challenges of online school, many students are finding ways to cope. Sammie has found comfort in nature and quality time with her family. "I'm spending more time outdoors and with my family, and I have a lot more "me" time," she says.

Whether it's through getting creative or being active, there are ways for students to find their way through this trying time and make the most of the school year—even while social distancing.

Are you attending online school? Let us know below!

by Paris Johnson | 4/15/2020