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20 things to do before 2020 is over

In some ways, 2020 has felt like the longest year ever. But in other ways, we can’t believe it’s almost over. So much has happened in just 11 months. This monumental year has been full of challenges, reflection, and growth, and we want to appreciate every moment that has passed. Whether you've been feeling optimistic and inspired or discouraged and disappointed, 2020 does *not* have to feel like a wasted year. Let's end on a high note! Here are 20 fun things you can do before (or after) 2021 hits. Happy New Year!

1Make a playlist of your favorite songs from this year

2Clean out your closet and sell or donate the clothes you don't wear anymore

3Start working on your New Year’s Resolutions and your intentions for 2021 

4Reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while

5Try a new recipe

6Do a one-week social media cleanse

7Have a day devoted to self-care

8Create a dream/vision board for 2021

9Start learning a new skill: coding, knitting, a new language, etc.


11Clean, organize and declutter your spaces—clear space, clear mind

12Do something kind for someone

13Make a photo/video collage with your favorite memories from this year

14Knock off one of those things that has been on your to-do list *forever*

15Grab some friends and start a new book together (or reread your fave), or hop on FaceTime and have a movie marathon

16Visit a new spot in your town

17Make a list of your favorite moments from this year

18Write a letter to someone

19Make a list of things *everything* you want to let go of before the new year: bad habits, arguments, grudges, physical objects or even toxic relationships—everything must go!

20Write down 20 things you’re grateful for

All GIFS via Giphy

by Maya Valmon | 12/23/2020