10 things you're sooo happy you told your bestie (not your BF)
We l-o-v-e the guys in our lives (crushes, BGFs, boyfriends). And sometimes we wanna tell them absolutely everything...until we remember that they don't *totally* appreciate that we got these awesome booties at Marshalls for $25 or that they'd be a little freaked if we started talking periods. So here are the 10 things we've almost spilled to our dudes, but were thrilled when we told our besties instead.
Two words: third slice.
Ugh, these cramps are *killing* me.
Can you braid my hair?
Can you BELIEVE they broke up?!
I’m totally the mouse emoji.
Do you like these shoes? I got 'em on total sale....
I just looked at ALL of her pictures on Insta.
Let’s have a dance party.
OMG, Zendaya’s dress at the Oscars.
That guy is hot.
Got a guy you can share everything with? Lucky! Tell us about him in the comments...or just tell us the funny (or embarrassing) things you've almost confessed to your BF.