Dear Carol

"Dear Carol, If a boy is mean to you, does that mean they like you?"

Dear Carol,

If a boy is mean to you, does that mean they like you?

- Mean Boy

Dear Mean Boy,

No. Sometimes mean just means mean. Besides, you don't want a mean boy to like you, do you? If a boy teases and smiles and acts awkward, that can be a sign of affection. But if a boy is just plain mean, walk on by and try not to get caught up in his orbit.

For more on Carol Weston, visit her website:, like her Facebook page or follow her on Instagram. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.

Still need crush advice? Read more Dear Carol below:

💌 Dear Carol, how do I get over a guy who only sees me as a friend?
💌 Dear Carol, my friend told my crush that I liked him
💌 Dear Carol, should I confess to my long-distance crush?

We want to hear from you! Go here to submit questions to Carol about every sticky sitch life throws at you.


by GL | 12/28/2022