Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, my friend has been mean to me...and now she wants to be friends again"
Dear Carol,
I have a friend who has been mean to me...up until now. She wants to be friends again. I know it sounds great, but I kinda don't want to be her friend. That said, I also don't want her to be mean and make fun of me again. Is there a way to "let her down easy?"
- Mean Friend
Dear Mean Friend,
Why would it sound great? Who needs friends who are mean or mocking? No wonder you don't want to get back into her toxic orbit. That said, it's not a good idea to inform someone flat-out that you no longer want to be friends (and especially someone who is prickly or difficult). What to do? Be kind but a little distant. Don't invite her over or initiate any plans. And when she asks you to do something? Don't be afraid to say, "Sorry, I can't." Most people get the message without fights or tears, but it is tricky territory when you want to set limits on a friendship. Keep hanging out with nicer kids, too. Now is a good time to join an activity she's not in.
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website:, like her Facebook page or follow her on Instagram. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.
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