Be the Best!
Ever heard the quote, “Be the best you can be”? With a new year unfolding, it’s time to start fresh and make it happen. Whether it’s at home or on the field, a few simple changes (and that doesn’t mean just a one time deal!) can go a long way. GL’s got a few tips for you to be the best ____ you can be.
Your BFF’s always got your back, so make sure to check up on her, too. A simple “how was your day?” is a sweet and easy way to show you care. If she’s looking especially stylish, compliment her totally chic top or luscious locks. And if her day just wasn’t so hot? Take a li’l time out of your busy schedule to let her vent. Just having someone to talk to for a bit can make a HUGE difference.
It’s 9:00 at night and your bro just got home. After a long day of school and basketball practice, he still has homework, chores and that major test to study for. Instead of just thinking about how much that totally stinks, offer to take care of the laundry if it looks like he’s gonna have a late night. He’ll absolutely appreciate the thoughtful gesture, plus you never know when he’ll be willing to return the favor.
Instead of daydreaming about your BF all day long, go ahead and give him a call or text when he’s on the brain. That doesn't mean text him all day long, but he’ll love a sweet hello and “hope you have a nice day” every now and then. And if he’s just dying to see that new James Bond flick, but you’re neutral, go see it with him! It’s all about compromise, right? And you’ll get to spend time with your adorable (and really happy!) boyfriend.
Mom and Dad work so hard to take care of their darlin’ daughter and your sibs. Show your appreciation by lending ‘em a hand. Help set the table for dinner or do the dishes when you’ve got a little down time on your hands. They’ll appreciate the help, and you’d be surprised at how your amped up maturity and responsibility can lead to more freedom.
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in…? If you think the answer is 1492, but everyone else is snoozing away, go ahead and give it a shot! Participation is really important, and it’ll def help out both the teacher and the student (Y-O-U). Plus, the worst that could happen is you make a mistake. No biggie! Take it to the next level by helping to hand out papers in class. It doesn’t seem like much, but your teach will def recognize your stellar student status.
No one likes a ball hog. Instead of just focusing on your awesome skills, work on passing and being a good team player, too. Invite some of your teammates to practice with you in your backyard or at a park. You’ll all become closer and the team will do better than ever. Score!
POSTED IN self-esteem