Your Bod

How taking mirrors out of your life could boost your self confidence


Do you find yourself constantly checking yourself out in the mirror? If the answer is yes, you probably would’ve had a tough time participating in this study.

Buzzfeed asked five people, women and men, to participate in this study. All participants had to go a week without looking into a mirror. Throughout the week, they took a look at how the participants were doing. Everyone involved in the study thought that mirrors were pretty much essential and unavoidable parts of daily life. At least, that’s what they thought at first. 

One women, who spent the first few days in a hotel room, literally could not escape mirrors. The hotel had so many of them that she found herself asking, “Why do we need so many mirrors?” Another participate found his reflection just about everywhere. Even though he had taped over all the mirrors in his house, he couldn’t help but see his reflection in faucets and windows. 

Being without mirrors left the participants feeling vulnerable. They went days without knowing whether or not their makeup was running or if they had missed a spot shaving. The women who took part in the study even described not applying makeup in the morning as "scary," but also noticed how much time they saved without it.

In the end, all participants agreed that the experience wasn’t that bad after all. Though it took some time to get used to living without mirrors, they realized that mirrors actually made them more self-conscious. Without mirrors, there was no way for you to point out your flaws. They all agreed that feeling better about yourself might be as simple as stepping away from the mirror.


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by Nehal Aggarwal | 2/1/2016