Your Bod

The gross reason you should be switching out your toothbrush more often


News alert: There's all sorts of gross stuff on your toothbrush—and we probably aren’t the first ones to tell you that switching it out every once in a while is probably a good idea. But how often should that switcharoo happen? Turns out, a lot sooner than you think. 

According to a study done at the University of Manchester in England, there's tons of bacteria on your toothbrush (about 10 million, ew!). There are also about 100-200 different kinds living in your mouth that inevitably end up on your toothbrush. 

Grossed out yet? Wait, there’s more...

Never keep it near the toilet.

If your toothbrush is stored within three feet of the toilet, the droplets of water that spray up after you flush remain airborne long enough to settle on surfaces throughout the bathroom (toothbrush included). *Cue* the yucks.  

Don't store it in a damp place.

Areas that don’t have a lot of airflow (showers, travel cases, etc.) help the bacteria on your toothbrush multiply. So make sure you fully rinse your toothbrush after using it, dry it as best you can, then store it in an upright position somewhere it can stay dry between brushings.

Replace it every 3-4 months. 

Keep an eye out and take notice if the bristles become frayed—a clear sign that your TB won’t work as effectively. Also, if you've been sick with a cold or a cough, try swapping it out after you get better.  

Never ever share your toothbrush (obvi).

Remember all the gross stuff we said about bacteria earlier? Yeah, you don’t want to be sharing that stuff with anyone! Not sharing is caring, seriously. Next time your parents make a trip to the store, be sure to ask them for a big pack of extra toothbrushes. That way, when your BFF sleeps over and forgets her TB, you can give her a brand new brush to have for herself. 

Do you swap out your toothrbush on the reg? Share in the comments below.

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by Anna-Maria Hand | 2/1/2016