Your Bod

What your bad breath could really mean

My breath smells REALLY bad all of the time. I brush my teeth at least 3 times a day and constantly chew mints. Why do I feel like it still smells and how can I get rid of it?
Bad breath totally, er, stinks. Also called halitosis, that funky odor is caused by bacteria and left over food decaying in your mouth—yuck! Before you freak, it’s reassuring to know that about 90 million people suffer from chronic bad breath and there are lots of ways to stop the stink.
If your toothbrush and mints strategy just isn’t enough, there are lots of other options. An easy switch? Replace mints with gum, which triggers saliva production, your best bet for cleaning out your mouth. Still struggling with the stench? Pick up a waterpick at your local drugstore for a better clean, or grab fluoride toothpaste to step your teeth cleaning up a notch – don’t forget to brush your tongue (it’s a sneaky hiding spot for gross bacteria to grow).
If nothing works, see a dentist about the possibility of cavities or tooth decay. And remember, bad breath is nothing to be embarrassed about, and you should feel comfortable expressing your concerns to a doctor or your parents.
What is your go-to teeth cleanin' routine? Ever had a problem with some not-so-nice breath? Let us know in the comments!

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by GL | 2/1/2016