Your Bod

What's the six-week rule, again? Four things to know before getting pierced


Thinking about getting pierced? Slow your roll, chica. Sticking a needle into your body is a pretty serious commitment, so make sure you're up-to-date with all the info you need before heading to that parlor. Check out the facts below for a body jewelry briefing.

1. Piercing popularity

According to a 2006 study co-authored by board-certified dermatologists, only 14% of people have piercings in a location other than their ear lobes. So no, you're not the only girl in the world with just one piercing. If you're still interested in a facial or other body piercing, though, make sure you go to a talented specialist and know how the piercing could affect your life in the future.

2. Nickel = pain

Stay away from jewelry containing nickel, as most people are allergic to the cheap metal. Piercings containing nickel are more likely to get infected, so stick to gold and sterling silver to be safe.

3. Clean, clean, clean!

There is no such thing as over-cleaning! Rinse your piercing well with soap and water or saline multiple times a day to keep things sanitary. Trust us - you do not want it to get infected. Ouch.

4. Remember the six-week rule

Keep your piercing in for 6 weeks (at least - could be longer, depending on where it is). No exceptions.  Removing jewelry before the piercing is healed could cause the piercing to close, which is essentially the same as just throwing your money away. Even worse? Piercings that don't heal properly can cause nasty scarring.

So what do you think, ladies? Still pondering that piercing? Let us know in the comments.

Photo courtesy of: kaciemccarson 

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by Taylor Frick | 2/1/2016