Your Bod

Bad habit? Bust it before BTS!

I have picked my nose forever, but now that I’m going into seventh grade, I know I need to stop. Only problem? I can’t! What can I do to ditch this disgusting habit?


While you might have started pickin’ your nose way-back-when to see exactly what was lurking up there, by now you’re only doing it as a nervous habit. Brava to you for wanting to drop it!


The best way to bust this baddie is to keep your hands busy 24/7. Whether you’re snapping a rubber band at your wrist or folding scrap paper into cranes, you need to focus that nervous energy somewhere other than your nose. I know it stinks to be called out on bad behavior, but being embarrassed can make your subconscious want to ditch bad habits. Ask you friends and family to tell you to knock it off when they catch you picking…and work out a subtle sign for when you’re in public, okay?


Good luck, girlie!

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016