Your Bod

5 best tips for luxurious locks

Do you have any tips for growing out your hair? I've been trying to grow out my very thin, fine hair for almost 3 years and it's still the same length! I get it trimmed regularly—does this help or not?
Short of extensions, there’s no Miracle-Gro formula that’ll send your locks cascading down to your bum in days. Getting regular trims doesn’t help your hair grow, but it does keep the locks you have right now healthy. You need to watch how much your hairdresser is snipping, though. On average, human hair only grows about 1/2 inch each month.
Lucky for you, there are some all-natural ways to encourage hair growth. Here are a few of our faves…
Keep it clean. The secret to healthy hair is a happy scalp, so shampoo your hair thoroughly to remove dirt, oils and styling products, and be sure to use a conditioner to replenish the nutrients shampoo can wash away.
Be gentle! Being rough with your locks can cause breakage. Pat your hair dry with a towel instead of rubbing, and gently detangle wet hair with a comb instead of a brush. Toss ponytail holders with metal fasteners and keep your hair down when possible.
Watch your diet. Protein and certain vitamins, like Vitamin B, are essential to hair growth and maintenance. Eat well and talk to your doctor about adding a Vitamin B complex supplement or multivitamin to your diet.
Tone down the heat. That means turning down your water temperature when you shower and cutting out blow dryers and hot hair-care tools whenever possible.
Take a deep breath. When you’re stressed out, your body goes into survival mode. You need adequate sleep, a good diet and a calm demeanor to maintain a healthy body, and the same goes for lush, long locks.

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016