Your Bod

Too embarrassed to talk about breakouts with my mom

I'm 12 and I have a little bit of acne. I tried diluted tea tree oil and it kinda works, but I really want to use actual acne products. How can I talk to my mom without making it embarrassing?
Hey girl, don’t fret! Acne is a completely normal part of puberty. Don’t be embarrassed about it, and don’t feel as though you can’t talk to your mom about it—she’s dealt with it too.

Get some one-on-one time
Ask your mom if you can speak to her one-on-one and tell her you have been concerned about your acne. Try starting the conversation by saying: “I’ve started to notice that my face is blotchy and breaking out, and I was wondering if you had any advice you could give me.” 

A few products we like

Don’t forget to moisturize!
Acne medications can be incredibly drying, especially if you overuse them. To avoid getting patches of dry skin sprinkled over your face, follow the usage directions on your cleanser of choice and follow it up with an oil-free face moisturizer.

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by Madeleine Brown | 2/1/2016