Your Bod

Here's how to tell which breast growth stage you're in

Q: I know about the five stages of breast development. But I'm not sure which stage I’m on, because I can't tell from the pictures. I think I’m on stage two, but I am totally not sure!

A: Just so we’re all on the same page, these are the five stages of breast development:

Stage one refers to breasts during childhood (no development), stage two is the breast bud stage (where they are small bumps), stage three is when the breasts continue to grow and they look a bit fuller than stage two, stage four is when the nipple and areola enlarge and the breasts look much fuller and the final stage is when the breasts are full and round and reach their mature size.

You’re right, it is hard to tell which stage is which, and stage two and three are especially similar. Stage two usually happens between the ages of 8-13, and stage three happens around age 12-14. If you’re feeling any pain or breast tenderness then you’re probably already in stage three. If not, your breasts are just starting to develop and like you said, maybe you’re in stage two.

Try not to worry about which stage you’re on too much. If you’re worried about developing slower or quicker than your friends, try not to compare yourself to other girls or even pictures you see online. Sure we go through the five stages, but everyone’s growth is unique and special, and we all develop at our own pace despite when the guidelines say you’ll go through the stages.

Try to enjoy this time of change and be happy with who you are. The stages are just there to help you understand your body better, so don’t get too caught up in them.

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by Jillian Zacchia | 1/13/2019