Your Bod
My boobs keep changing size
When I got my period, my boobs got HUGE! But after my period, they got smaller. What can I do to make them bigger again?
Hey, girl. Sometimes during your period, your boobs might get sore or swollen, but that’s completely normal. You should feel comfortable with what you were given. When your period ends each month, the swelling goes down and your breasts go back to their normal size.
But, if you want to have larger boobs all the time, you could always use a padded bra. With your mom’s permission, get a bra that fits you correctly. While you’re on your period, wear a regular bra if you feel that you like the size of your boobs.
If your mom doesn’t want you to get a push-up bra just yet, then talk together and make an agreement about when you can begin to wear one. Remember that your breasts are still growing, and by the time they reach their permanent size, I’m sure you’ll be happy with the way they look.
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POSTED IN period 101, bras