How to make any workout an ab blaster
Step 1: Be aware of your core
The simple act of thinking about your tummy muscles, even though the workout moves you’re doing aren’t obviously all about abs, will help you realize that pretty much everything you do involves your abdominals. Just try sitting up straight as you read this and breathing deeply. Think about your abs, then think about using them to stay straighter and more still. There ya go!
Step 2: Slow it down
Taking down the tempo often turns up the intensity, especially if you’re doing strength training or body weight resistance. Move through the motions slowly and carefully, and be aware of all the muscles you’re using to execute it. Upping the intensity in this manner will often require your abs to work double-time to give ya extra stability.
Step 3: Activate those abs
When in doubt, tighten ‘em up! If you can add a crunch-type move into what you’re doing (without hurting yourself!), then try it. If not, just tighten, release and repeat. Hello, six pack!
POSTED IN Workouts, favorite ab workouts, 30 days to a bikini bod, lazy girl's workouts