Total-body tone-up for dreamin' gymnasts
Leg Lifts
Lay flat on your back with your legs straight up in the air, forming a 90-degree angle with your body. Place you hands just under your bottom and using your abs, slightly raise your bottom up, lifting your legs straight up. Hold for 5 seconds then lower bottom back down, while keeping legs up straight. Do three sets of 10 reps.
Laying on your back with your arms and legs straight up, slightly lift your bottom off the ground. Quickly fold your body in half, moving your arms straight up and touching your toes. Then, return to original position and repeat. Do three sets of 8 reps.
Begin in plank position on your elbows and tips of toes. Keeping your body elevated, while staying level, hold position for 30 seconds. Without lowering your body, roll on to right forearm and stack your left foot on top of your right, hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on left side, one rep. Do three sets of 8 reps.
Body Pumps
Using a platform that is knee height (like a coffee table or a step) and wont slide, face away and place palms of hands on edge. Stretch your legs straight out in front of your body, resting your weight on your heels. Slowly push up using your arms and keeping the rest of your body in a straight line, then lower back down. Don’t let your booty touch the ground! Do three sets of 10.
Jump Up!
Begin by standing with feet shoulder width apart and arms at your sides. Bend down into a squat then while going back up, jump into the air. Do three sets of 10 reps.
Do you know anyone who is a gymnast? What did you think of this workout? Share in the comments below.
Photo credit: @mckaylamaroney Instagram
POSTED IN cheerleading workouts, gymnastics, gymnastics workouts, Workouts, favorite ab workouts, best-ever arm workouts, lean leg workouts