
Get those gams: 3 moves to totally toned legs

Spring is finally here, and the prospect of sporting bikinis and micro-shorts has us all heading to the gym and exercising. But if you don't want to dish out the money to pay for a membership, now is a great time to get outside and try these super effective workout moves that'll have those gams looking great in no time.  
Squats: You’ll see results right away after completing a few reps of this fat-burning routine. Grab two 8-pound dumbbells and position your feet hip-width distance apart. Holding the weights at chest height, squat into a sitting position, making sure to keep your back straight and reach your butt back as far as you can (as if you’re sitting in a chair). The deeper you squat, the better! Squat and straighten legs to complete one rep. Do 10 reps of squats three times, at least three days a week, but be sure to listen to your body: this exercise can be tough on your hamstrings. 

Lunges: For this exercise you’ll need a ton of space to spread out. While holding the same 8-pound dumbbells at chest height, take 15 long strides, lowering your back knee to the ground with each step, alternating legs. Try to elongate your legs as much as possible and really lean into your hips if you want to tone those legs! Make sure that your front knee doesn’t bend over your toe. Keep your front thigh parallel to the ground. 

Stair Stepping: This super-easy drill will get your heart pumpin’. If you have a raised platform that would be helpful, but using a flight of stairs or even a single step would work just as well. Plant one foot on the step and using the strength from that leg, hoist your opposite leg up and, with your knee bent, kick that leg to chest height. Complete 10 reps with the same leg, and then switch. If you want to add a little extra oomph, grab some weights to hold while completing this session. This is a great calorie burner, too.
How do you workout your legs? Share in the comments below.  


by GL | 2/1/2016