Eat Right

What should you be snacking on? Pumpkin!

Forget quinoa and avocado. Our latest super food obsession is everything pumpkin. Sure, we knew it was good for you. But we had no idea how great it was until we took a peek behind that festive orange rind. Why should you start gobblin’ down pumpkin? Here are our five favorite reasons:


It keeps your eyes sharp

The same thing that gives carrots there electric orange color, carotenoids, also supply pumpkins with their distinctive hue. Carotenoids maintain your ace vision and protect against damage from free radicals.


It pampers your skin

Wanna glowing complexion without the help of makeup? Eat a cup of pumpkin seeds every day for huge, healthy dose of Vitamins A, C and E, which keep your skin tight, hydrated and well-nourished.


It delivers tons of energy

One ounce (or about 90 seeds) gives ya 7 grams of protein.  That’s more protein than a serving of almonds, and way less fat, in addition to the other healthy stuff packed inside these babies.


It makes ya smart

Studies have shown that fatty acids are awesome for building brainpower. While you can get ‘em from other lean sources, like fish, munching on pumpkin seeds (or adding canned pumpkin to a dish) is an easy way to boost your grades on the go.


It wards off winter colds

Pumpkins are one of the best sources for Vitamin A out there, and with the addition of Vitamin C, it offers lots of get healthy, stay healthy goodness that keeps the common cold at bay. Huzzah!


What’s your favorite way to eat pumpkin?


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016