Eat Right

Beyond the average breakfast

Fitting in breakfast is hard enough as is, but even when you do give yourself enough time to eat a well-balanced meal, most of the time cereal and milk just won't cut it. For some girls, it’s hard to down eggs, toast and other “morning” foods right after getting out of bed. The good news is no one’s forcing you to eat these typical foods in the morning. Here are some different yet healthy options.

Pizza for breakfast might sound crazy, but it’s really not terrible for you. It might not be something you want to nosh on everyday, but if your fam ordered it the night before, there’s no harm in eating a leftover slice, hot or cold. Pizza has carbs, veggies, and dairy: all the food groups you find in a healthy meal. Make yours even better with extra veggies on top and a thin crust, and you’ll be good to get through your morning!

Fish is brain food, so why not get your brain jumpstarted in the morning with fish for breakfast? Bagels with lox (salmon) and cream cheese are a popular breakfast option, but you can make yours even healthier by eating it with low-fat cream cheese on a whole grain bagel. Some other options? Add crabmeat to an omelet, top your toast with tuna salad, or scarf leftovers from a recent dinner. Just make sure it’s not fried – those simple carbs will just make you tired.

If toast and jam don’t jive with your taste buds, think about making yourself a regular sandwich in the morning. Peanut butter and banana, egg salad, and ham and cheese on wheat bread are all great ways to get your body the nutrients it needs in the morning without the breakfast-y feel. Since it is early, though, try eating only a half a sandwich so you don’t overfill your stomach. Pair with a piece of fruit for the perf breakfast.

Breakfast Burritos
Sometimes it’s not the food itself that’s the problem, it’s how boring and routine eating it is. Try spicing up your average breakfast with a breakfast burrito! It’s easy: just wrap up scrambled eggs, cheese, bacon or sausage, and veggies like peppers and onions into a tortilla. If you don’t like eggs, get your protein with extra veggies or beans. Dip your breakfast burrito in salsa to make it even yummier!

Tofu and Broccoli
Try steaming broccoli and tofu and seasoning with soy sauce for a savory dish in the a.m. Or, whip it up for dinner and make extras for the morning! The protein and greens will kick start ya like Cheerios never could.

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by Rachel Nugent | 2/1/2016