Eat Right

The real deal on tea

You know you should drink eight glasses of water a day, but let’s face it: that can get pretty boring, fast. Before you reach for a soda to give you a sweet caffeinated buzz, think about having a cup of tea instead. It tastes yummy and has way more benefits than a can of cola. Here’s how to choose the right type of tea to sip on.
Green tea is fab to drink daily because it has little caffeine and a whole lot of healthy power: Because of the antioxidants in green tea leaves, some doctors think that it can prevent cancer and heart disease later in life. The benefits don’t end there, though: drinking a glass in the morning may help boost your metabolism. Even if these are health issues you don’t have to worry about now, sipping on green tea now will help your body grow strong and healthy for the future.
Black tea with breakfast is a fab coffee replacement. We heart Earl Grey or English Breakfast. Just enough buzz to give you a jolt, and it smells just as delicious as a hot pot of joe. Add milk and a natural sweetener, like honey or agave nectar.
For those days when you’re feeling drab and no amount of makeup makes you look awake, try drinking white tea. Like green tea, it is packed with antioxidants, but white tea has even more, so the benefits spread to your skin, too. It will perk you up and give you the boost you need to get through your day, inside and out.
If you’re having trouble sleeping or are feeling stressed, don’t try to clear your mind with TV or high-calorie snacks. Herbal tea is the way to go when you want to relax, specifically chamomile and peppermint flavors. A cup of chamomile before bed will bring on the zzzs and peppermint can help with headaches caused by stress. Bonus: Peppermint tea also freshens your breath, so drink it in the morning before you talk to that cutie in homeroom!
With cold season hitting its peak, hot tea is a great way to help your sore throat and stuffy nose. Hit up the tea aisle at your local grocery store to find herbal teas that are made to fight against colds. Whatever kind you drink, add a little bit of honey and lemon. This will make any scratchy throat feel instantly better!


by Rachel Nugent | 2/1/2016