Eat Right

7 ways to eat whatever you want (seriously!)

The Halloween candy is heaping up and Friday night football games equal piles of nachos with your buds. But ya don’t have to just say no—we’re dishing the ultimate tricks for enjoying yummy treats.

The temptation: Those irresistible appetizers
The fix: Don’t sit glumly at Chili’s while all your buds happily chow down on wings, nachos and fried mozzarella. You can still enjoy tasty starters, just don’t overdose. Appetizers often contain almost as many cals as a gal should consume in a day, so go splitsies with your crew. And when it’s time to order the main course, snag something stocked with veggies—a salad with grilled chicken is perfect. 
In the future: It’s easy to arrange all of your get-togethers around meals, but make a point to enlist your friends in awesome active outings as well. The $10 you spent on Southwestern egg rolls could easily go to a Zumba class.

The temptation: A sugary breakfast (like a major muffin) 
The fix: It may seem like a blast of sugar will jump-start your day, but the sweet stuff will let ya down by first period. Instead, opt for a mix of protein, fat and carbs (like fruit or whole grains), suggests Leah Britt, a certified trainer at Premier Fitness Camp. Oatmeal made with milk and berries or whole wheat waffles with almond butter and apples fit the so-delish bill. 
In the future: In a rush? Look for healthy options like berries and yogurt (leave out the sugar-packed granola).
The temptation: A bag of chips while you’re cramming for midterms
The fix: It’s best to steer clear of eating while you’re studying. If you’ve gotta have something, try veggies with white bean dip. Can’t live without chips? Try reduced-fat Cape Cod Potato Chips in a small bowl. Once that serving vanishes, snack time is over. 
In the future: Get more zzz’s. When you’re totally zonked, it’s harder to resist endless noshing. 

The temptation: Sipping soda while you’re at your extracurrics
The fix: Yes, it’s tough to turn down the endless supply of free Coke, but Leah tells us sugary drinks make up a full 10 percent of the average teen’s calorie intake. Eek! Not only is all that sugar terrible for your teeth (and a gush of empty calories) but the carbonation in soda can deplete your bones of calcium. Tote along some coconut water or  chocolate milk for a dash of sweetness, without all the other side effects.
In the future: Keep your water bottle handy at all times! That way, you’re constantly flushing toxins out of your system and keeping up your energy.

The temptation: Candy. Hello, it’s everywhere!
The fix: Set some boundaries on your sweets intake and limit yourself to one or two bite-size pieces a day. Sounds tough, but it’s doable. A recent study found people who believe they have endless willpower are able to stick with their plans better than those who don’t. The point? Believe you can avoid the Butterfinger binge and you can.
In the future: Appreciate the treats while you’re eating ’em, instead of just mindlessly polishing off the bag. The least disastrous candy choices? Dum Dum suckers and mini Tootsie Rolls.

The temptation: Your fave fast food
The fix: Sometimes there’s simply no way to fend off a drive-thru craving. If you decide to indulge, pay attention to your toppings and sides. When it comes to condiments, pass on anything mayo-based. Next? “Pick a salad or an apple over the fries,” Leah advises. But even better choices don’t mean you’ve got a green light. Fast food needs to be just a once-in-a-while thing.
In the future: A recent study found people who ate meals made up of 25 percent veggies consumed 360 fewer calories throughout the day. So go for greens and you might not even be tempted by the Double Whopper.

The temptation: The gut-busting dessert—you love it, but it gives you a  tummy ache every time
The fix: Have a bite or two if you must, but it’s better to just pass. Why torture yourself? And don’t obsess over what your buds think of your dessert downgrade, either. “You’re making healthy decisions for yourself,” Leah reminds us. “It’s not about them.” Snag a smaller treat that’ll sit better with you—sorbet instead of a huge ice cream cone or a brownie as opposed to the molten cake.
In the future: If your bod is speaking up like that, listen to it. Talk to your doctor if you notice repeat sensitivities to certain foods: You might have an allergy or intolerance.

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by GL | 2/1/2016