Survey Says

A quiz for anyone

1.) Wink. Do you wink with your left eye or right eye?

2.) When you get out of bed in the morning, do you get out with two feet on the ground or one foot then the other?

3.) Do you fold your pizza in half when you eat it?

4.) When you take a sip out of a glass, do you raise your pinky finger?

5.) Zippers or buttons?

6.) Bananas or tacos?

7.) How many times can you say "Toy Boat" really fast without messing up?

8.) When you sit at a desk, do you cross your legs or sit with your feet flat on the floor?

9.) Would you rather age from the neck up or age from the neck down?

10.) What color shirt are you wearing? Did you look down when I asked you?

by GL | 2/1/2016