Survey Says

A quiz for anyone


1. Eat ONLY ranch dressing for the rest of your life or never use a technological device again?
2. Never change your underwear again or never see your family/bff again?
3. Never leave your room for the rest of your life or never live in one place for more than a week?
4. Enroll in the military forever or live while a world war 3 happens?
5. Never have a another crush/boyfriend or spend the rest of your life never having a bestfriend?
6. Never brush your teeth or never wash your hair?
7. Kiss a frog or touch a spider?
8. Eat escargot (cooked snails) or caviar (salt-cured fish eggs)?
9. Live without music or live without T.V.?
10. Wear your mom's old clothes school or have a broken bone?
by GL | 2/1/2016